My approach is tailored to you.

No two people are on the exact same journey. We work together to explore what’s achievable for you that you might not presently see or even believe possible. Success is always defined by you and the goals you want to achieve. This picture of what success will look like provides the frame and focus for every coaching conversation we have.

I build genuine, deep connections and trust with my clients, creating a safe space for you where you can truly open up and go deep. I help leaders like you become aware of their strengths and the mindsets that sabotage them. Through presence, powerful questioning and reflecting I act as a thinking partner, sounding board, transformational agent, and driver - supporting you in becoming who you want to be, ultimately unlocking your potential to maximizing your performance.



Fulfill your

highest potential



Tap into your extraordinary potential as a leader.

You are ready to build your leadership capacity, empower yourself towards bolder outcomes, and create a powerful ripple effect in your organization or business.

  • As your coach I work with you to overcome barriers to success and unearth the patterns, obstructive assumptions and beliefs that limit your effectiveness as a leader. Experience transformation as you overcome derailers and develop your capacity to think and act more effectively times of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) and rapid change.

    I see the greatness within, and I work with leaders who become empowered to do exceptional work, catalyze their leadership in the people around them, create needed change, and produce remarkable results.



Activate leadership potential.

It’s a bit of a thrill ride when we make the leap from star performer to a leadership role.

  • As a coach, I help emerging leaders develop a new set of mindsets, behaviours, and skills to successfully shift from a role primarily focused on execution and delivery to one where success is determined by the ability to inspire, empower, and guide their team in delivering results.

    I accelerate emerging and high potential leaders’ journey of adapting the traits and developing the skills that transition new leaders into great leaders.



Achieve breakthrough performance.

Could it be that your only limits are the size of your vision and your own self-limiting beliefs? High performance coaching is about helping people to achieve their very best.

  • I believe in people’s ability to succeed and far surpass their goals. I work with my clients to co-create the future they want, removing mindsets and other obstacles they are facing in fulfilling their true and maximum potential. As your coach I stand in your greatness while also bringing to focus areas where you may not be performing as well as you could be. I challenge you as well as support you, so that you build your skills and improve performance in a balanced way. With courage and conviction, we open up any uncomfortable conversations that may be hard to navigate, identifying gaps and celebrating wins, and ultimately bringing the growth you’re seeking to reach your highest level of performance.

    I support achievers like you pursue growth, development, and peak performance.



Generate more authentic success, meaning and reward.

You can benefit from career coaching any time in your professional journey that you desire more success, joy, reward, fulfillment and impact in your career or professional life.

  • As your coach I help you identify what you want and need from your career, then make decisions and take the needed actions to enhance your professional success and reach your ultimate career goals.

    It could be that you’re stuck in an unhappy career, or you are starting out and can’t figure out the best direction. Perhaps you are longing for more success and how you've been trying to get there just isn't working. Possibly you have languished without a clear calling in life. Or maybe now is the perfect time and you’re ready to make a big change and need outside help to support it.

    I help people with a wide array of career-related goals and issues find greater fulfillment.



The Process.

  • Are you curious about executive coaching with me?

    One of the most important aspects to consider when looking for a coach is fit. Engaging an executive coach is a big investment in yourself, and it is a very personal thing. This is why I offer a free one-hour, no obligation, sample coaching session.

    This initial conversation enables us to get to know each other a little and to answer any questions you may have. It enables me, as your potential coach, to understand more about you and your goals. This time together also helps establish whether coaching is the right thing for you right now and whether I am the right coach for you.

    If you’re ready to unlock your potential, maximize your performance, and step into your power as a leader and change maker, reach out and book an exploration call

  • A Discovery Session is typically the first coaching conversation we have together after the complementary Coaching Exploration Session. It is where we begin to discover your strengths and values as well as what may be holding you back. We get underway with uncovering who you really are and what you wish to focus on in coaching. Typically, we also assess your satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the major areas of life, and we can outline several potential goals.

  • Our partnership is a long-term, developmental process tailored just for you and is based on mutual trust and respect. It’s designed with a big-picture approach while helping you increase self-awareness, expand your thinking, and uncover your potential. Our regular coaching sessions are a confidential, supportive space for exploring how to move forward in achieving your goals, as well as sorting through how to use your natural strengths to best respond to emergent opportunities and challenges and expand your comfort zone.

    As your coach I am your thinking partner, sounding board, transformational agent, driver, and champion. I listen to you in a way that no one else does.

  • Greatness begins with awareness.

    Awareness is the first and most important step in the leadership development process. We usually start with a leadership assessment designed to accelerate your leadership and help you understand the relationship between how you habitually think and behave — and how all this impacts your current effectiveness as a leader.

    I help leaders gain self-awareness using The Leadership Circle Profile™, a 360-degree leadership assessment tool that provides one of the most validated and predictive assessments on the market. The Leadership Circle Profile™ is a 360-degree assessment designed to accelerate your leadership and help you understand the relationship between how you habitually think and behave — and how all this impacts your current effectiveness as a leader.

    We use these insights to better understand your work reality and recognize how you thrive and when you’re getting in your own way. It enables focused coaching engagements that clarify goals, optimize your unique leadership potential, and helps achieve development objectives.

    Depth of awareness creates transformation faster.

“Suzanne is an excellent coach; creative, thoughtful, and wise. I have worked with many coaches over the years and Suzanne has helped me find insights that were unexpected and deeply impactful, both for my professional and personal life.”